Thursday, 31 October 2013

I wish I was dark and mysterious.
I wish I had secrets but I spit my soul to your face and tell you how beautifully the droplets splatter on the bridge of your nose like see-through freckles.

"Jumalauta." Mä sanon ja sä huokaat. Meitä ei koskaan ollutkaan etkä sä koskaan tule kertomaan miltä tuntui kun sydän räjähti ja mun kädet tärisee.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I think I'm starting to find my place. Finally.
I have a nice, small circle of real friends who actually care about me and give as much as they take. I've got my life somewhat sorted out too and i am feeling content with the world. At the moment at least.

We had one of those magical evenings where every girl opened up and every one of us cried for our selves and for others. 
And I have never felt more happy to have left my poisonous friend and found these. I am so happy to control my life by myself again. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

You are:
  • Bees' knees 
  • cat's whiskers 
  • flea's eyebrows
  • canary's tusks.
please never change