Wednesday, 5 March 2014

I've got these stupidly unrealistic ideas of what I am and what I want to (and will) be when I grow up: 

1. a sailor. Preferably from Åland. I'd speak good swedish and bad finnish and fish with an old boat that coughed every time I turned it on. My face and hands would be beaten by weather. This is impossible because I am not from Åland. 

2. a gardener. I'd grow the most beautiful roses and other flowers. I'd have this ridiculously large herb garden from which I'd dry the herbs to my own use and for others. This is impossible because where would i get the money and space for my garden. 

3. a sailor's wife. Oh this one is a bit stupid - i'd be a wife from early 18th century or late 17th century.  I'd be the kind of girl who didn't care of the hems of her dress getting dirty or lifting up to everyone to see her ankles. And i'd love my husband more than anything. 

4. an artist or a writer who lives in a penthouse in paris. A penthouse in an old building that has thin windows and nice lighting. I'd eat white bread and crepes and giggle with a bottle of red wine.

5. a farmer who grows her own food almost completely and survives on selling eggs and potatoes to the farmer's market time to time. I'd make good jam and sell it too. 

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